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Gothpaladinus videói

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Comments on OFF Topic

2007. május 9., szerda


Hello, friends. I'm Marcell Gál from Budapest (Hungary). I'm 13 and a half years old. I am a student but I have a programmer friend, Kamil Toszek (Polish, 23 years old). I always help him with ideas, bug fixes. Oh, I can be found in Erkel Ferenc Általános Iskola és Gimnázium's 8 "C" class. I learn French but I learned English and German too. I like all computer and phone games, expect FPS. My favorite PC game is Spartan: Gates of Troy; which is a turn based strategy game. My favorite lessons are informatique, history, English and French.
2007.08.15.: Changes: Favorite PC Game: Tribal Trouble; which is a small, but very addictive RTS game. Favorite Website:, which is a meeting site for all persons in the world. It's contact's number is over 92 millions!

2007.09.18.: Changes: Favorite PC Game: Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction, which is - like everybody knows it - the most famous RPG game on the Earth!

2007.10.02-10.: Changes:

-myVIP has over 100 million contacts!

-My sister is blogging too on ! Look at that page too for more information!

2007.12.10-12.: Changes:

-I'm over 14, as you know it :)

-Favorite PC Game: Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns, which is also an RTS game made in 2001 by TimeGate Studios.

2009.03.22.: Huge Changes:

-Now I'm closing to 16...

-Favorite PC Game: BVE TrainSim 2.6.3 / OpenBVE 1.0 RC

-Favorite Website: BVE Klub

-School: Szemere Bertalan Általános Iskola 9 "A"

-Favorite Mobile FPS: Bioshock

-And more...